Saturday, March 31, 2012

Waiting for the next appt

     So, the wait for the MRI and the next appt was full of research.  We researched our options, became members of a support group on Facebook called zipperheads for chiari, and also researched dos and don'ts for those with chiari.
     With regards to further symptoms, the next two months were full of minor symptoms, but nothing too serious.  I had many headaches, originating in the back of my head, just like the original that sent me to the ER. One of these headaches was brought on during a Wing wide run.  They put me on a profile to say no running more than a mile, so I didn't have any further headaches from running.  I also had some minor numbness and tingling in my feet, elbows and hands over the next two months.  I really can't say for sure that all of these were or were not associated with the chiari.
     We researched as much as we could, including what to stay away from.  We read everything from what our NS told us, such as roller coasters and contact sports.  Others online said to avoid physical exertion, wearing helmets, bending at the waist, and even to the point where you should avoid coughing, sneezing, and straining during bowel movements.  This one just blew my mind, how am I supposed to avoid coughing???
     We also did significant research regarding the surgery, called decompression.  Got a much better understanding of what was involved, what types of risks were involved, as well as some of the recovery information for post op recovery, just in case.  Our ultimate goal was to be as well prepared for the second appt as possible.

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