Wednesday, January 9, 2013

7 Months Post Op

Ok, so I know it's been since August since my last post and for that I apologize.  It's been a busy 7 months.  Since August, where to begin....we had a wonderful holiday here in Oklahoma, and unfortunately it will be our last in Moore.  At the end of this month, we are headed to Dayton, Ohio.  I was orginally scheduled for my next appointment in February, but since we have orders to leave, they rescheduled me for 15 January.  I had my first MRI since the surgery yesterday morning and wanted to get on here to post some preliminary findings.  (a.k.a. Dr. Huller's interpretation :-P)  So, the top image here is an image from May 2012, 3 months after the initial diagnosis and the first imaging of the syrinxes located within my spine.  The white is the pocket of spinal fluid.  The second image is now the largest of the syrinxes I could find in the new MRI.

As you can see, the syrinx has shrunk dramatically.  This is great news, it means that the normal flow of spinal fluid has returned and the syrinxes should at worst stay as they are, or at best, continue shrinking until they disappear completely.  In the next set of images, I want you to focus on the top part of the image.  Specifically the area of the chiari malformation.  The first image again is from May 2012.  I tried to identify the Foramen Magnum, the opening at the base of the skull which allows the spinal cord to enter the spinal canal.  I also identified the chiari malformation, this is the area where my cerebral tonsils extend below the foramen magnum and enter into the spinal canal.  The second image is from Jan 2013, 7 months post op.  I tried to identify the area of bone that was removed during the decompression surgery as well as the other noticeable difference in the images.  At this point, I'm not sure if the large area of white is spinal fluid, or simply the patch that was sewn in to give me more room.  Either way, the area is much larger than i expected. 

 Again, I have my follow up with Dr. Mapstone next Tuesday, the 15th.  I will try and get on here and post any other findings.  I have been able to get back to full exercise, although the rest of my body doesn't like that I haven't done it in awhile.  Other than that, things are going really well.  I can't say enough about Dr. Mapstone, he has done a tremendous job.  Hopefully things will stay as is, and I will just have to monitor from this point forward.  Just wanted to share the great news.

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